Merz distances from Merkel, questions EU regulations, and pledges stricter migration policies
On January 20, 2025, Friedrich Merz, leader of Germany's Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and the party's candidate for Chancellor, addressed an audience of 1,300 at the GP Joule Arena in Flensburg.
In his speech, Merz outlined a migration policy diverging from that of former Chancellor
Angela Merkel.
His remarks came shortly after Merkel's appearance in Düsseldorf for the CDU's Bundestag election campaign.
Merz challenged Merkel's past proclamation 'Wir schaffen das' ('We can do it'), which was emblematic of her migration policy as Chancellor.
He cited concerns about Germany's continued ability to absorb migrants, noting that the nation had received over three million migrants from non-European countries over four years.
Merz stated, 'We can try as hard as we want, but we will not be able to handle this,' and committed to reducing illegal migration, including plans to implement stricter border controls pending EU enhancements to external border security.
Addressing accusations from the audience suggesting alignment with the right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD), Merz rejected any future collaboration with the party.
Further criticism was directed towards EU policies, with indirect references to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, a CDU colleague.
Merz critiqued EU regulations such as non-detachable bottle caps and vehicle safety measures as overregulation.
The same day, at an event in Büdelsdorf, Merz expanded his critique, questioning EU policies on military acquisition, foreign policy, and trade.
He stressed the EU's focus on minor regulatory issues over major concerns could jeopardize its legitimacy in Germany.
Despite these critiques, Merz affirmed his commitment to the EU, identifying as 'a convinced European' advocating for attention to broader issues to maintain the EU's standing.